Friday, June 30, 2017

Equine Insurance Guide: Protecting Your Horses for Sickness, Injury & Death

A Guide to Equine Mortality, Major Medical and Surgical Insurance

by Daigle & Travers, 22 Thorndal Circle, Suite 2, Darien, CT 06820.  (203) 655-6974

Everyone knows how valuable horses are to their owners. These beautiful, yet fragile animals are susceptible to a variety of injuries and diseases. Equine Insurance provides essential protection for both the owner and the horse during times of injury or illness.

Equine insurance helps pay for treatments needed to bring the horse back to full work, or in other words, the way the horse was before the injury. Equine insurance is important to help reduce the overall cost of medical bills associated with an injury or illness. It is very important for every horse owner to protect their investment and their horse.

Darien Connecticut Equine Insurance Guide

How much does horse insurance cost?

There are a number of factors that influence the cost of your equine insurance premium. The following factors can affect the cost of equine insurance:

  • Age of your Horse
    Older horses can take longer to recover if they sustain an injury or end up having a disease. The older the horse, the more expensive the insurance will be.
  • Horse’s Gender
    Some health conditions are more likely to affect Geldings or Stallions vs. Mares vs. Colts or Fillies.
  • Horse’s Breed
    Certain breeds cost more and different breeds can be more susceptible to certain diseases and injuries.
  • Number of Horses
    You may receive a discount for insuring multiple horses under the same policy.
  • Use and Discipline
    Depending on what type of discipline you ride or show your horse, it can affect the overall rate of insurance. Examples of uses and disciplines include hunters, jumpers, equitation, dressage, pleasure, and breeding horses.


Guide to Equine Mortality Insurance

Mortality Insurance

This is the most common type of policy and is typically combined with Major Medical, Surgical, and Colic coverage. Mortality Insurance covers the value of your horse if your horse dies. Make sure you read the fine print. Some policies will cover things like death from digestive disturbances, but death from your own neglect will not be covered. Participation in certain equine sports may not be covered if your horse dies or is put down for actions that happened in these events. Some have a clause that will pay a certain amount towards surgery, but if you opt not to have the surgery and euthanize your horse, the mortality policy may be worthless and negated.

Major Medical, Surgical, and Colic

Major Medical, Surgical, and Colic coverage is typically purchased as part of mortality insurance. Carriers have various coverage limits depending on what treatment and therapy your horse needs in the event of an injury or disease. Some policies have additional limits of colic coverage included for no additional fee. This policy can cover different types of diagnostic and treatment methods (x-rays, ultrasounds, MRI, etc.). It is important to note exclusions can apply if your horse has had the same recurring injury and received prior treatment. Major Medical, Surgical, and Colic coverage always has a deductible which varies by company. Some companies have co-pays in addition to deductibles per occurrence.


Guide to equine insurance in Greenwich


Loss of Use

A loss of use policy (also called permanent disability) comes into play when your horse becomes permanently injured or has a disease where your horse can no longer continue its intended use. These polices will reimburse you a percentage of your horse’s value (usually 60% or less). Be wary of the fine print, because if your company pays you the value of the horse, unless the horse is a gelding, the company can take your horse and use it for breeding.

Get the Equine Insurance Coverage You Need

Whether your horse is a show horse, racehorse, or loved member of the family; equine insurance is very important to your horse’s well-being. Horses are fragile animals and any injury could be potentially catastrophic to the horse and your wallet if you are not adequately protected.

Here at Daigle & Travers Insurance, we will provide you with the right coverage to make sure both your horse and your investment are well protected. After all, who better to talk to then an agent that has owned and shown multiple horses, is involved in the equine industry, and understands the needs of horses and horse owners? When partnering with us, we will give you all the necessary information and options you need to make the best choice of insurance company and policy coverage. Give us a call today at (203)-655-6974 or email Brittany at for a no pressure quote.


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