Friday, November 15, 2019

Auto Insurance For Your Au Pair

Auto Insurance when you have an Au Pair

Au pair takes backseat to kid driving to activities..

Auto Insurance for Your Au Pair

The idea of having a young person, that isn’t family, drive your car and your children around can be scary. That being said, some families determine that it is a necessity. When both parents work, someone needs to get the children to their after school activities

In Fairfield and Westchester County, there are many families that need help with their childcare. When you have two working parents with young children, the last thing you want to do is worry about childcare. We have found many of our clients opt to have a live-in Au Pair to help with the child-duties. One major duty is driving your children to and from school and to after school activities.

Do I need to list my au pair as a driver on my insurance policy?

Yes. You need to list all regular drivers on an auto policy and any licensed drivers that live in your home.

Many au pairs come to the United States with either a license from their home country or with an international driver’s license.  This becomes an issue for the parents because many of the auto insurance carriers will not accept an international driver’s license.

What does a family do if their au pair doesn’t have a US license?

If your au pair doesn’t want to or can’t get a US license, prior to having them join your family, you should ask the au pair or the au pair company such as Cultural Care, to provide you with a 3-year letter of experience from their home country. This will outline their past driving history.

Here is a link to access international driving records:

Often times, au pairs are newer drivers and don’t have three years of driving history. There are insurance carriers that will rate the au pair as a new driver and they’ll be rated based on their age. In these cases, it is better if your au pair attends driving school and obtains a US driver’s license.

What happens if my insurance carrier won’t accept an international driver’s license?

That can be an issue for parents. Call your insurance agent. Ask them to requote you with an auto insurance carrier that will write a driver with an international license. If you work with an independent insurance agent that is experienced with clientele that hires au pairs, they should have a market that will work for you. At Daigle & Travers Insurance Agency, with three locations in Fairfield County towns where au pairs are common, we have multiple options for our clients.

Do my insurance rates increase when I add an au pair?

The short answer is yes, but the increase will be dependent based on the au pair’s age, if they have a US or international driver license and if they have activity on their driving record. To get the best answer to this question, ask your local independent agent to price out the addition of an au pair. They will be able to give more exact numbers.

Do I also need to carry workers compensation when I have an au pair?

When you have a domestic employee that works more than 26 hours a week for you in Connecticut or 40 hours a week for you in New York, you are required to carry workers compensation. For more information check out our blog on workers compensation.

Get the coverage you need.

Daigle and Travers Insurance is based in beautiful Darien, nestled between Stamford, Norwalk, and New Canaan. We also have locations in Westport CT and Wilton CT. We serve all of Fairfield County, including Greenwich, Weston, Ridgefield, Redding, Easton, Fairfield, Southport, Trumbull, Westchester County and Long Island. When partnering with us, we will give you all the necessary information and options you need to make the best choice of insurance company and policy. Give us a call today at (203)-655-6974.


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